The monstera pinnatipartita is a beautiful climbing and rare evergreen plant. It is known to have originated from South America and has similar appearances to that of Monstera Deliciosa. It is native to Colombia, Peru, Panama, Venezuela, Bolivia, El Salvador, Costa Rica, and Ecuador and belongs to the family aroids also known as Araceae or arum. Its leaves are divided at the maturity stages and white-colored waxy flowers are produced along with the aerial roots. The appearance of flowers in this pattern favors the wild looks of this plant but is a good option for growing in homes because of its beauty.
It is also known as philodendron silver queen and has climbing evergreen Hemi epiphytes. It can grow to a height of about 33-66 feet in the native climates and habitats but can grow only 4-6 feet in houses and enclosed areas. It produces juvenile, slightly bullate, oval, elliptical, and BI-colored leaves having light green and green variegation. Its stems are vine-like greenish and have short nodes. Typically, this plant flowers all year round after maturity by right care and management is essentially important to promote flowering.
Monstera Pinnatipartita Growing Guide
Monstera Pinnatipartita grows well in the USDA zone of 11-12 but some growth and development can also be supported in the other zones followed by the right care and management. People living in the USDA zones of 10b-12 can grow this plant all year round, but these plants are sensitive to frost so the exposure of growing plants to cold temperatures must be avoided.
Soil pH
Growers should maintain a pH of soil between 5-7.5 by the addition of organic matter and other relevant amendments. The addition of potting mix helps to maintain soil pH, drainage, health, and overall physical, chemical, and biological properties.
Direct placement of this plant in sunny locations is not recommended because long-term exposure to intense heat can cause sun burning. It can tolerate mild heat and low sunlight levels, but slow growth becomes evident in the presence of prolonged lighting periods. Moreover, light also causes the darker color of its leaves so must be placed at a place where it can receive minimum light of optimal intensity. However, its growth and development can be accelerated by placing it in the bright light in the morning for one hour. Never forget your plant in the sunlight as the damage caused by the sunburn will be difficult to manage.
Water the plants when growing media or soil is completely dry. The water requirements of growing plants are greatly dependent on the surrounding conditions such as humidity, temperature, and the amount of light the plant receives on daily basis. Generally, these plants must be watered once a week, but growers should water them twice if the drainage capacity of soil is good and the plant is being grown in warmer climatic conditions.
Periodical watering is greatly recommended for these plants as it is something that helps plants to get used to specific irrigation intervals and scheduling. Continue watering the plant until water starts emerging from the drainage hole of the pots. Plants can also be watered by placing their roots in the water and the required amount of water will be absorbed by the growing media and plant roots.
The use of heavy soils, oversized pots, and excessive watering can cause yellowing of the leaves. Overwatering for longer periods can cause brown spots, root rot, leaves dropping, wilting, a mushy stem base, and moldy potting mix. While underwatering can cause leaf curling, drooping, loose leaves, wilting, and stunted growth.
This plant requires average humidity levels in its surroundings and any fluctuation from the normal levels affects its growth and development. Increasing humidity to a certain level is a good aspect to improve its growth because it is a humidity-loving plant by nature. However, some growers may enhance humidity to much more level than required so they must be careful to maintain humidity in their surroundings.
Moreover, indoor placement of certain plants requires uniform growing conditions, so increasing humidity to a greater extent for one plant may cause death or injuries to the other indoor growing plants. Ideally, 60-80% humidity should be maintained in the growing environment and the humidity levels should be checked regularly.
Monstera Pinnatipartita must be fertilized at least once a week in the summer and spring conditions. Fertilization can be reduced after the proper establishment and fast development of the plants. The use of organic fertilizers is a much better choice than synthetic fertilizers so growers should try using compost and potting mix.
This plant grows well in the temperature range of 18-27 degrees Celsius, and therefore it can grow well in the household temperature. Lower temperature than 15.6 degrees Celsius slower the growth and growth is stunted below 10 degrees Celsius. The surrounding temperature must also be maintained in the indoor growing conditions to favor good growth.
Pruning practices for this plant include cutting off diseased, dead, and dry leaves to allow newer growth, deter pests, and boost growth. Growers can also prune the plant to control its shape and size of the plants. The best time to prune the plants is during the growing seasons. Sterilized pruning knife or shear must be used to avoid insect pest attack and disease spread. Damp cloth must be wiped on the leaves and stems after pruning to repel the insects.
Potting and Repotting
This plant must be repotted after two years of growth or when the pot is properly bound by the roots. Repotting must be done during the growing season to avoid any adverse effects on the plants. Other than the emergence of roots from the drainage holes the leaves of plants will start getting curly and stunted growth will be observed. Some other indications are leggy, discoloration, and drooping of leaves. It is important to select the pots having a diameter of about 2-3 inches. Selected pots must have enough depth to support and accommodate the root while leaving enough space for more growth.
Monstera Pinnatipartita Growing Tips and Guide
- Give bright light to the growing plant for at least one hour in the morning.
- Provide good temperature and humidity in indoor conditions for better growth.
- Rotate the plant periodically.
- Allow the plant to trail on walls, grills, and totems.
- Do not place the plant in water for long durations.
- Wipe the leaves with a clean and damp cloth to remove the dirt on their leaves.
- Provide sufficient space for better growth and development.
Monstera Pinnatipartita Common Problems and How to Treat
Indoor-grown monstera Pinnatipartita is not prone to insect pests but still, some bug infestations can be observed in this plant. Other common pests of this plant include fungus gnats, spider mites, aphids, scale, and mealybugs. Generalized symptoms of insect pest attack are leaf yellowing with spots, holes, powdery substance, webbing, and honeydew.
Horticultural sprays and neem oil can be used to deter insect pests without causing any harm to the environment. Moreover, manual removal practices and insecticidal soaps can also be used. These soaps can be sprayed directly or can be rubbed by dipping the cotton in the alcohol. The selection of spray and manual practice is dependent on the kind of infestation and type of pests present.
This plant is susceptible to southern blight, powdery mildew, anthracnose, leaf spot, and root rot. The problem of these diseases is not much common for this plant, but the presence of favorable conditions may promote the disease attack. So, the problem can also be reduced to a greater extent by the management and control of growing conditions.
Root Rotting
Root rotting is most evident in this plant and the major responsible factors include lower oxygen levels in the root zones, poor soil drainage, and overwatering. Prolonged rooting can also lead to mushy stem base, wilting, leaf yellowing, and browning. So, the reasons for rotting must be avoided to promote better growth and development.
Leaf Yellowing
Mostly the yellowing of leaves is an indication of overwatering but lack of nutrients, pest attack, underwatering, and diseases can also cause discoloration. Moreover, transportation stress, cold drafts, and aging may also be major reasons for leaf yellowing. The problem can be avoided by proper monitoring and the right management.
Leaf Curling
Leaf curling in this plant is mainly caused due to underwatering. Moreover, pest and disease attacks, light issues, and higher temperatures can also cause leaf curling. Right monitoring of inputs and maintenance of conditions can help to reduce this problem.
Leaf Dropping
The dropping of older and newer leaves may result due to poor management conditions or stresses. Low humidity, underwatering, and overwatering are major reasons for the leaf dropping and the problem can be minimized by proper care and management.
No Splitting
Improper or no splitting in the new foliage may happen due to poor light and lack of climbing support. The attachment of aerial roots with some surface helps for maturity and fenestration of foliage. Therefore, the provision of trellis or moss pole is essentially important to ensure proper splitting.
Monstera Pinnatipartita Propagation methods. Step by step guide.
Usually, this plant is propagated by the means of stem cuttings in the water or potting mix but can also be propagated by division or air layering. Spring is the best time for its propagation as in this season plants will get more time to grow and develop roots. However, propagation practices can also be done in the summer but the efficiency of propagation in the summer will be less than the spring season propagation.
- Well-drained soil or potting mix is required for propagation. The use of 50% perlite and 50% peat moss is also a good choice.
- Use of sterilized and clean knife or shear is a must.
- Use appropriate size pot.
- The use of hormones and sealable plastic bags is optional, but their use helps for better propagation and growth.
- Add the potting mix in the clean pot and apply water until the saturated point is attained.
- Discard the excessive water collected in the saucer.
- Select a healthy growing plant to cut the stem.
- Carefully cut the stem of about 4-6 inches having two clear nodes.
- Remove all leaves on the lower parts of the stem and allow two-three leaves to stay on the upper part.
- Apply rooting hormone on the cuttings to favor effective rooting and development.
- Poke the potting mix with the stick or fingers before placing the cuttings in the pots.
- Cover the two nodes properly with the soil.
- Tamp the soil lightly so that the cutting is standing in the upward direction.
- Provide light misting on the cutting, cover, and seal it with the plastic bag. Leave a smaller opening in the plastic bag to allow the movement of air.
- Alternatively, growers can also poke different-sized holes.
- Place the pot in a bright location or maintain the temperature between 21-24 degrees Celsius in the indoor growing conditions.
- Remove the plastic bag routinely to allow breathing for a few hours. Also, mist the soil lightly to keep it moist.
- Root growth can be observed after three to four weeks of propagation.
- Cutting can be transplanted to the pots after the development of two to three leaves.
Propagation in Water
Monstera Pinnatipartita can also be propagated in the water. Simply place the cutting in the jar and add water to this container. Roots growth can be observed after three to four weeks. The leaves must not be allowed to submerge in the water. Change the water in the jar after every 3-4 days as otherwise, it will appear cloudy.
Soil vs Water?
Ideally, the seeds of this plant germinate well in the droppings and feces of forest animals. The growth in water is also possible but seeds must be allowed to germinate in the soil. This is an epiphyte plant, and its growth is without the development of the roots. It only creeps above the soil surface and obtains the nutrients from animal droppings, decaying vegetation, organic debris, and air. Although it can grow well in the mineral soil as well, the growing soil must be mixed with the organic matter, compost, peat, muck soil, and potting mix to ensure a good supply of nutrients to the growing plants.
Growers should mix 50% of mineral soil with 50% organic material and compost as the addition of organic matter is also helpful to improve soil health, and soil structure. The drainage capacity of the soil should also be improved as excessive retention of irrigation water may cause problems for the health of growing plants. Specific potting mixes are available for Monstera pinnatipartite and growers can easily purchase it from any online market or nearby store. Some characteristics of these plants are also similar to the Anthurium species so the potting mix of Anthurium plants can also be used to support its growth.
How to Air-Layer Your Monstera Pinnatipartita
This plant can easily be propagated by air layering. Growers need to have twisty ties, sphagnum moss, and six inches transplantation plastic bags.
- Select a healthy growing node having aerial roots on a leggy and strong stem.
- Make shallow silt of about ¼ thickness of the selected stem immediately lying below the node.
- Carefully punch smaller holes at the bottom parts of the plastic sheets and evenly add a fist of moist sphagnum peat moss at its bottom.
- Cut the upper end of the plastic bag to get flaps for rolling around the stem.
- Take water-soaked moss in one palm in a plastic bag in such a way that it is against the aerial roots of the selected node.
- Wrap plastic flaps properly around the stem with the freehand.
- Secure the moss bag to the selected stem with the help of twisty ties to make a wet cocoon of moss for the node.
- Water the moss to keep it moist. This watering can be done through the specific holes in the plastic sheet.
- Root emergence can be evident within two weeks in the moss.
- Carefully remove the moss and try to keep the roots intact.
- Cut the stem below the newer roots so that the cutting can be separated from the parent plant.
- Pot the new cutting or plant and apply water to the soil to keep it moist for supporting proper growth.
- More success can be achieved by doing this practice for multiple nodes at a time so that if one node gets failed others can catch proper rooting.
Monstera Pinnatipartita VS Split Leaf Philodendron?
The genus monstera and philodendron have a good resemblance to each other, but these are not the same and have significant differences. These plants cannot be cross-pollinated. Some major differences are that the monstera genus has unisex flowers whereas the flowers of philodendrons are bisexual. The leaves of monstera have fenestrations, while philodendrons have split in their leaves.
How to get the bushy look for your Monstera Pinnatipartita?
Generally, this plant tends to get leggy at maturity stages and it does not produce many branches. Still, the bushy growth and appearance can be observed by planting numerous cuttings in one pot.
This plant has mild toxicity hazards and growers must be careful while growing it at home. The ingestion of its leaves and other parts must be avoided. Children and pets should not be allowed to go around this plant as any accidental ingestion can cause toxicity hazards. Its toxicity is due to needle-like, sharp, and microscopic calcium oxalates which are also known as raphides.
Chewing of these raphides will cause a burning sensation and severe pain on the mouth lining. Moreover, it can also cause tongue, lips, and mouth followed by difficulty in swallowing, mouth pawing in pets, refusal to eat, and skin irritation. Gardeners must also use pruning and gardening gloves to avoid injuries.
Some Important Varieties of Monstera Pinnatipartita
Monstera Deliciosa
It is the most commonly grown variety of monstera and produces gorgeous, big, holey leaves. This plant is known as deliciosa due to the production of Mexican breadfruit.
Monstera Borsignia
This plant is delicosa’s variegation and sometimes it is being sold under the name because it is very difficult to differentiate between these plants at the younger stages. Deliciosas plants tend to pucker, ruffler, and produce little cute bumps at the attachment points of leaves and stems. Whereas Borsignia plants grow faster than the delicosas but have smaller growing dimensions. Mature plants make two slits or holes in the willy nilly styles.
Monstera Variegata
These plants have a beautiful color variation and may look like painted with white-colored paint. Variegation of cream, white and green colors is most evident. Its leaves are harder than other varieties and are much more expensive than others.
Monstera Dubia
This variety is well known for its heart-shaped and smaller leaves with light and dark green coloration. It does not have proper variegation but grows like a vine due to its climbing habits.
Monstera Siltepecana
This variety has teardrop-shaped, larger leaves and is provided with smaller holes that are specifically concentrated in the regions of central veins. Often these have lighter colors and contain light green and dark green hues.
Monstera Obliqua
These plants have characteristic holes and can take up to 90% paper-thinned leaves. These plants are extremely delicate and can be easily broken so great care is needed to manage the plant health and vigor. Due to their delicate nature, these are not available in the nurseries but can be found in the botanic gardens.
Mini Monstera
Technically this plant is not monstera but has a monstera type appearance and characteristic holes. The holes in its leaves are larger and appear notched due to the spread of holes toward the edge of leaves. These plants have deep green stunning color and their leaves are more exotic than the other varieties. It does not require much care and management and can be easily grown as a houseplant.
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