How to Grow Anthurium Warocqueanum?

Anthurium warocqueanum is also known as queen anthurium and is named in honor of Belgium-based plant enthusiast M. Warocqué. This is a perennial plant and has a climbing growing nature. It requires more care and management than the other plants in its category, so it is somewhat difficult to grow. Anthurium leaves are deceptively smaller but grow quickly to immense sizes. It can attain a maximum height of about six feet provided by proper care and support. While it grows only three feet in indoor conditions because plants in the indoor environment are dependent on the growers and some kind of growth reduction is evident when the plant is not growing in its native climatic conditions.

Anthurium produces velvety, light green to darker leaves and its leaves are provided with silvery veins that even become more evident with time. Initially, the veins are not harder but at the later developmental stages, these become sturdy and thicker as cardboard. The leaves can reach a maximum height of about four feet, but the leaf size is greatly dependent on the grow zone, and management measures. It produces insignificant blooms that specifically appear on the smaller spathes and are hidden by the spadix of pale yellowish-green color. The size of inflorescence can be enhanced by the provision of the right care and management. Properly managed plants produce red-colored berries having a significant attraction for the birds.


Anthurium warocqueanum is a hardy growing plant and grows well in the USDA zone of 10a-11. Although it can also be grown in other areas with mild fluctuation in the growing conditions, it must be protected from sudden fluctuation in temperature. Moreover, placing or growing the plants in too hot or cold conditions can also exert significant negative influences on their foliage and development.


This plant grows well in the well-drained and rich soil and grows mixes. The use of peat moss, sphagnum moss, charcoal, orchid bark, perlite, and organic material is greatly important to improve the physical, chemical, and biological properties of growing media. Ideally, it grows well in the pH range between 6.6-7.5, and growers can easily manage and control the pH of the growing medium by the addition of the right amendments. Maintaining the right pH is directly related to improved nutrient uptake and transformation.

Major variation in the soil pH can cause significant damage to the growing plants in terms of nutritional deficiencies and toxicities. The pH and properties of soil are greatly dependent on the material being used as an amendment and the specific topography and parent material of an area.

Therefore, growers must go for soil testing to get an idea about the physical, chemical, and biological attributes of the soil. They can avail of these services from the governmental soil and water testing laboratories, and agriculture extension workers. Moreover, pH meters of optimal and small sizes are also available in the market so purchasing pH meters is also a good approach for regular checking.

Lighting Requirements

This plant responds well to the light but it grows on the tree trunks in its natural growing environments. Direct and prolonged exposure of leaves to sunlight can cause leaf burning and scorching. The provision of indirect and bright sunlight helps to improve its growth and development. Growing this plant in mild or partial shade conditions is also helpful to boost growth. However, light must be provided for a few hours a day as otherwise, it can cause leaf yellowing.


Anthurium requires fairly higher humidity levels and growers must maintain at least 60-70% humidity in its surroundings. Growers can improve humidity in outdoor growing conditions by misting and regular water spraying. The use of humidifiers and placing the container in the pebble-filled moist try are excellent approaches to improve humidity.


Providing slow-release fertilizer at least once a week is helpful to improve the overall health and development of anthurium plants. This plant needs a continuous supply of nutrients for its normal growth and is continually receiving nutrients from plants in its natural environment. While in the outdoor and indoor conditions in the houses plant is not able to grow on a tree trunk and cannot obtain sufficient nutrients.

So, growers must provide the nutrients in the form of synthetic chemicals, and organic fertilizers to support their optimal growth. There is no need to fertilize the anthurium plants during the cold seasons. While application of balanced fertilizers instead of using any specific one is most significant to get better results. Dilution of fertilizer before the application is helpful to minimize overfertilizing, and foliage burning.


This plant grows well provided by good irrigation and moisture. However, the growth and development are directly affected by the presence of standing water. So good quality and well-drained growing medium should be used to improve drainage.

While growers should also do drainage holes in the containers to support effective drainage. Overwatering and underwatering can cause foliage burning and the appearance of spots on the leaves. While negligence for a longer period can also kill the healthy growing plants.

This plant requires a regular watering schedule because it is native to the rainforests and these rainforests receive much more rain than the other regions. The best growth and development of the plants can be observed by providing them best conditions according to their native climatic conditions.

Leaf yellowing is an indication of overwatering so growers must check their watering schedule at this time to minimize the damage. Watering after five to seven days is an ideal choice to maintain a good schedule. The selection of the right growing medium having good water holding capacity is also important to manage the watering needs of the plants.

This plant has more watering requirements than the other plants and grows well in partial shade conditions. So, there are slightly more chances of bacterial infections and fungal attacks. Growers must check the growing plants regularly for early detection of the problems. Although its foliage is thick and enormous it is delicate and sensitive to moisture and overwatering. Keeping a good eye on the growing plants is helpful to maintain good growth and development.


Anthurium grows well in the daylight temperature between 25-32 degrees Celsius and at night temperature 21-24 degrees Celsius. Higher temperatures can cause foliage to dry and fading of flowers. It can tolerate little fluctuation in the temperature, but major variation is greatly harmful. A temperature of fewer than 16 degrees Celsius can directly kill this plant. Growers must keep the growing plants away from drafts, ventilator grills, and heat ducts.


This plant requires regular pruning to maintain its good health and shape. Pruning is a great way to improve the health of growing plants as the growing plants can provide nutrients and energy to the newly growing points and branches. The larger growing plants do not look attractive in the houses and must be pruned to attain average height. More surface area of the plants also favors the more retention of moisture for longer times. This can make the plant more prone to diseases and bacterial problems. Always use sterilized and clean scissors to trim the dead parts, and damaged leaves.

How to grow Anthurium Warocqueanum from Seeds?

Usually, anthurium plants do not produce seeds in all growing environments so seed collection can be a problematic task. Obtaining seeds from friends, neighbors, or gardening stores is a feasible way to start anthurium from the seeds. The health and quality of seeds are a major concern for producing vigorous seedlings and healthier plants.

Therefore, growers should collect the seeds from reliable sources only. Propagating anthurium from the seeds is a tricky process and requires great care than the other methods. Production of fertile flowers is also a tricky task because there are different activation times for stamens and stigma. Pollen saving followed by tickling can help to produce good quality flowers and seeds. A

Anthurium plants produce both female and male flowers and female flowers come first. Fruit production is only possible when the plant has both male and female flowers. The presence of only one sex will never be favorable to produce fruits and seeds. Male flowers produce pollen and growers must collect these pollens and store it in the refrigerator because this plant produces the male and female flowers at different times.

The presence of female flowers can be identified by the presence of spadix. Usually, this spadix exudes liquid and has a bumpy appearance. Crossing the collected pollen with the female flowers helps to get the best results for seed production. This is not a favored and common propagation method due to complexity.

  • Seed propagation can be favored by continual care and management.
  • Flat structures are ideally helpful for the germination of the anthurium seeds.
  • Vermiculite is the best growing medium for anthurium seed germination.
  • Slightly press the anthurium seed into the grow media.
  • Allow a minimum space of 2.5 cm between the individual seeds to allow better space for germination.
  • Cover the container with clear plastic to speed up seed germination by more conservation of moisture and heat.
  • Place the containers at room temperature to favor the germination process. The use of heat pads is a good choice in colder climatic conditions.
  • Avoid moisture build-up on the grow media as it can lead to bacterial and fungal infections and disease development.
  • Insert holes in the cover to allow movement of air for breathing and moisture evaporation.
  • Remove the cover after germination and carefully place the seedlings in the individual containers.


How to Grow Anthurium Warocqueanum by Propagation?

  • The division is the best way to propagate the Anthurium warocqueanum plant. The division is significantly easier for this plant than the other houseplants because it produces offsets and buds.
  • This plant bears tiny buds once in a while. Growers can easily find these buds around the main stem.
  • Search the buds and offshoots growing around the stems.
  • Wait until there is the appearance of one to two leaves on the buds.
  • The development of aerial roots can be observed after the growth of one to two leaves.
  • These aerial roots are helpful for the absorption of nutrients for their survival.
  • There is no need to trim this structure from the main stem.
  • Use clean and sterilized scissors to cut these buds from the parent plant.
  • Prune the offshoots at the growing roots.
  • Place these offshoots in a container and fill the pot with good quality grow media or potting mix.
  • Place the newly growing plant in a humid and warm place.
  • Water this plant to avoid irrigation stress.

Propagating the Anthurium Plants from Stem Cuttings

  • The plant can also be propagated easily by using stem cuttings.
  • The clinging tendrils are essentially helpful for its propagation due to nutrient absorption capacity.
  • Its aerial roots have an excellent tendency to adjust to the underground parts with great ease.
  • Slices of stalks without leaves and roots can also be used to grow a full anthurium plant.
  • The stem cutting after immediate plantation may look fragile due to poor nutrient provision, less sunlight, soil aeration, temperature, humidity, and water. The health and vigor of stems are greatly improved with time.
  • Growers can also chop the stems into specific bits. This practice is only helpful in the presence of the right environmental conditions. Chopping in the variable temperature and unfavorable conditions can cause reduced survival chances and vigor.
  • The survival chances of stems and cuttings are greatly enhanced by the presence of more roots, leaves, and nodes on the cuttings.
  • A larger parent plant can also be used for further growth after removing all of its parts.
  • If an old anthurium plant is not flowering for a long time it can also be revitalized by proper trimming.
  • Younger anthurium plants can be fairly propagated from the healthier cuttings as long as there are nodes in the cuttings.
  • Collecting all necessary material before cutting stems and placing it in the containers is essentially important to avoid stress.
  • Use pruning shears to take cuttings and having a specific set of shears is greatly important to avoid any discomfort.
  • Use a disinfectant and clean water to wash the scissors or shears.
  • Use of a sharp knife is also a good approach if shears or scissors are not available.
  • Sterilization of shears, knives, and scissors helps to reduce the chances of microbial contamination, insect pest attack, and diseases. Moreover, the chances of further spread of the problem are also reduced.
  • Avoid the use of concentrated disinfectants and properly dilute them by adding distilled water or good quality tap water.
  • Carefully cut the stem in a single attempt and avoid multiple cuts on a single stem.
  • Clean the obtained cutting and prune it properly.
  • Clinging leaf-type husks are present on the stem and are known as stipules. The function of these structures is only the protection of emerging leaves.
  • Stipules are dead after taking the cutting from the parent plants and the wise practice is to remove these useless structures. Clearing stipules helps growers to see the cuts easily.
  • Prune shriveled and yellow, or brown leaves as these leaves will not serve the purpose for further growth.
  • Also, cut the flowers from the obtained stem. Flowers take all energy, nutrients, and water from the parent plant and the stems. Cutting these flowers helps plants to focus on new growth and development.
  • Carefully cut the stem into different sections but make sure that all parts have a minimum of about two nodes.
  • More aerial roots are sprouted on the longer segments. Thus there are more chances of survival and growth.
  • Never remove the healthy leaves from the stems as the presence of these leaves helps for further growth.
  • Apply rooting hormone on the cut ends of the stems as it encourages better and more effective rooting.
  • Growers can also apply a brush of cinnamon on the cutting if a rooting hormone is not available. Cinnamon has good antimicrobial properties and helps and helps to protect the cuttings from fungal and bacterial infections.
  • Place the cuttings in the containers and allow rooting in the ideal environmental conditions.
  • 1-2 nodes on the cuttings must be aboveground to support leaf growth.
  • Place plastic bags over the cuttings to enhance humidity in its surroundings.
  • The use of transparent plastic tubs provided with the locking lids is also helpful for enhancing moisture.

Potting and Repotting Anthurium Warocqueanum.

Growers can easily repot these plants in orchid baskets and regular pots. Orchid baskets have more holes and help for better survival and development of epiphytes. The use of a wooden basket is also a good approach to support its growth and development.

Most of the growers are also using clay pots because these are easy to manage and care for. Growers should do at least 1-2 holes in its bottom to ensure good drainage for avoiding root rotting and stress on the growing plants. Clay pots or terracotta pots are porous and allow good water retention. These plants are essentially important for improving drainage and circulation.

Anthurium Warocqueanum Common Problems and How to Treat

Mushy Roots

The presence of mushy roots can kill the plant and the problem can be resolved by removing these roots. Take sterilized scissors, and shears to cut the mushy, black, and softer roots. Wash all healthy growing roots using clean tap water to get better growth. Changing the previously used and infected substrate and grow media is also helpful to get rid of the mushy roots.

Root rotting pathogens are commonly present in the walls of growing pots, and soil. The problem of these pathogens can be reduced by proper disinfection and sterilization. Also, sterilize the scissors after use to protect against further spread of the problems.

Leaf Yellowing

Leaf yellowing of plants is caused due to various possible reasons. The most common reason for yellowing includes stress, insufficient humidity, aging, and unsuitable watering. Generally, the yellowing of older leaves is a natural process and there is no need to worry about this color change. Overwatering is also a common reason for leaf yellowing and problems can be easily avoided by monitoring the watering schedule.

Foliage Damage

Foliage is anthurium gets damaged due to various biotic and abiotic stresses and the problem can be resolved by identifying the root cause of the problem. Usually, the foliage is also damaged due to mishandling and sudden changes in environmental conditions.

Providing all inputs in a balanced way and maintaining the right conditions around the growing zone helps to reduce the chances of foliage damage. Early detection of the problem is greatly helpful to bear less severe consequences in the later stages.

Leaf Holes

The presence of holes in the anthurium leaves is due to pest attacks, lower humidity, and an irregular watering schedule. The insect’ feeds on its leaves and saps and may cause hole formation, leaf yellowing, and curling. Other than these leaf holes in the anthurium may also be caused due to higher temperatures, bacterial wilt, root rotting, and bacterial blights. This problem can be easily avoided by using sharp blasts and direct water sprays in the infected areas. The insect’s pests fall off due to water pressure and thus plants are protected from their feeding aftereffects.

Horticultural oil sprays and soap sprays are also available in the market and growers can also prepare these at home. Home-based formulations are safer and most effective than the formulations being sold in the market. Moreover, the use of manual, mechanical, and organic practices is greatly recommended than synthetic chemicals.

These chemicals contaminate the soil, and environment and pose serious threats to pets, children, and beneficial insects. Organic practices are also helpful to conserve biodiversity, ecosystem functioning, and beneficial creatures for gardening and production.

Brown Spots on the Plant Foliage

The appearance of brown patches on the anthurium plants is due to prolonged exposure to the sunlight. While underwatering and insufficient nutrition is also a major reason for brown spots on its foliage. Regularly check the growing plants for the presence of these spots and adjust the fertilization and watering schedule according to the needs of growing plants.

The direct exposure of plants to sunlight is a leading cause of this problem. Growers can easily resolve this problem by placing the plant in partial shade conditions. The provision of indirect and filtered light is also important to overcome this issue.

If the sun is not a major reason for this problem, check the nutrition, and watering factors to minimize the problems. This plant grows well in humid areas and moist soils. Avoid complete drying of the soil and other grow media as it can cause brown patches on the plants.

Correction of the watering schedule and fertilization according to prevailing climatic conditions and needs of plants (age-wise, and variety dependent) can reduce the problem on a sustainable basis. The use of organic fertilizers than synthetic chemicals is the best way to improve biodiversity in soil that in turn improves all its physical, chemical, and biological properties.

Pest Problems

The most common insect pests on the anthurium are scales, spider mites, aphids, thrips, and mealybugs. The problem of insect pest attacks can be avoided by regular monitoring and integrated pest management practices. Some of these pests produce white-colored web-like dust while others produce transparent and sticky fluids.

So even if some insects are not visible their presence can be detected and identified by these attributes. There is no need to worry about mild attacks as this problem can be reduced by water sprays, and rubbing alcohol dipped swabs on the leaves and foliage. The use of soap water formulations is also a good approach to get rid of pest populations.


Is Anthurium warocqueanum toxic to pets?

This plant contains specific compounds that are toxic to the pets so growers should not allow the pets to touch anthurium. There is no exemption of allowing contact with the specific plant part because all of its parts are toxic due to the presence of calcium oxalate crystals. The ingestion of this plant can irritate the digestive system, throat, and mouth.

The contact and consumption of these crystals can also cause skin irritation and itching. Wearing gardening gloves is helpful to minimize the chances of irritation on the skin. It is also important to note that the contact of this plant with the children is not even a good practice and they should not be allowed to touch this plant.

Is it possible to mist the plants for promoting their growth and development?

These plants are native to the rainforests and survive well in the presence of humid conditions. While increasing humidity is a major concern for houseplants. So many growers are asking about the possibility of misting around these plants. Slight misting with the rainwater or good quality tap water is helpful to improve its growth.

The use of contaminated and poor-quality water may cause foliage burning, insect pests attack, and disease development. Therefore, only good quality and clean water should be used for the misting purpose. Growers must use devices for measuring the humidity in the surroundings as sudden rise and fall and major fluctuations may kill even the vigorous plants.

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