Caring For Your Anthurium Veitchii
Anthurium veitchii is also known as king Anthurium and belongs to the monstera genus. This tropical plant was first introduced to Europe by plant enthusiast John Veitch. He was the owner of many nurseries, and this plant was named after his name. It is essential to note this plant is different from queen anthurium and has a different morphology and care requirements. This plant is native to the Columbian rainforests of South America. It grows as an epiphyte plant on the other trees and obtains nutrients from the host plants. Its leaves can attain a maximum length of about 6.6 feet and are highly corrugated, like beautiful abdominal abs. Anthurium veitchii is an aroid plant, so it develops spadix and spathe.
It is a large epiphyte plant and produces mildly light green and corrugated leaves. Its leaves can grow 15-20 cm in width and 1.2-2 m in length. The colour of the spathe is light and dull green, while its spadix is white. This plant is vital for ornamental purposes and can be used for hanging baskets, container planting, and interior landscaping. It is a perennial evergreen plant, and its leaves remain functional throughout the year. The enormous leaves grow in a drooping fashion and are arrow-shaped or oval-shaped. It has herbaceous and long stems bearing leaves.
This plant grows well in the USDA zone between 10-11. Growers living in this zone can quickly grow this plant outdoor. The majority of the growers and researchers have reported that it grows well in potted indoor conditions. Management of indoor conditions is significantly easy than the outdoor climate. So, growers can easily protect the indoor growing plant by providing the right conditions.
This plant has an epiphyte growing nature and its roots can easily grow well without soil. It also obtains nutrients from debris, rain, and wind. The houseplants are not capable of getting nutrients from the outer environment. So, growers must use nutrient-rich, good-quality, and fertile grow media to get the best growth and development. These plants grow well in well-drained and airy soil conditions. The use of clay soil is not a good choice as it has less nutrient provision capacity, water holding capacity, and aeration.
The use of loamy and well-structured soils allows air pockets formation, and good circulation is also helpful to minimize the disease development chances such as root rot. Growers can easily make the well-aerated soil mix at home by using volcanic rock, activated charcoal, sphagnum moss, coconut coir, peat moss, orchid bark, perlite, and compost. The use of activated charcoal, volcanic rocks, orchid bark, and perlite is essentially helpful to improve soil drainage and aeration.
It is also possible to take the soil from different areas and mix it properly for making the ideal growing media. Soil testing before direct use is a great way to get an idea about contaminants and nutrients. Different soil testing kits are available in the markets, online stores, and gardening centres. Growers can also benefit from local soil and water testing laboratories and agriculture extension workers. Moreover, optimizing fertilizer application according to soil fertility and plant needs is greatly important to get good results. Both overfertilization and under fertilization exerts adverse effects on growing plants.
Light Requirements
This plant grows well in the presence of filtered bright light. Growing this plant near the trees is also an ideal choice because it helps plants get fileted sunlight through leaves and treetops. Direct exposure to sunlight is not a good approach as it causes sunburn. Placing the plants near windows is also an excellent way to get bright indirect sunlight.
The watering requirements of this plant are not much high as it goes well with only one watering a week. However, the watering schedule is dependent on the growing environmental conditions, type of growing media, and plant variety. The plants growing in humid climatic conditions have low watering requirements. While the anthurium plants growing in the hot summer conditions needs more watering intensity and frequency. Growers can also check the watering needs by inserting the fingers in the soil.
Anthurium veitchii grows well in cooler climatic conditions. Temperature between 15-26 °C is an ideal choice for best growth. The fluctuation from this range causes stress, and plants’ growth is negatively affected. This plant cannot tolerate external pressure as it has soft leaves. Growers must ensure no contact between this plant and heavier objects to avoid foliage damage.
This plant is native to the forests and grows well in higher humidity levels. Ideally, growers must maintain humidity levels above 60%. Provision of sufficient airflow and humidity is also essential to avoid bacterial infections and disease development. There are many possible ways to increase humidity around the growing plants, and some of the best methods in this aspect are as follows.
Pebble trays: Placing the water-filled trays below the pots is an excellent way to improve humidity around growing plants. Growers must add water regularly to this tray to get good moisture.
Keeping plants together: Putting the plants in closer vicinity is also the best way to improve humidity. Growers must have a good eye on the growing plants as closely placed plants have more chances of infection and diseases.
Humidifiers: Humidifiers are the best approach as they offer targeted and oriented control. Different types of humidifiers are available in the market and gardening stores, and gardeners can easily select any according to the style and size of growing plants and environmental conditions. Some humidifiers are provided with sensors, and they stop working when the humidity is about 80%.
Using enclosed plastic containers: Maintaining proper humidity according to plant requirements is not a much-complicated task. Covering the plants with plastic containers is significantly helpful to maintain constant humidity for extended periods. It may look unaesthetic, and the availability of the right cover according to plant size may also be a problem. It also needs frequent water spraying. At the same time, the entire opening and closing of the lid may also be tricky for some growers.
Terrarium: Bioactive vivariums or terrariums are ideally helpful to improve humidity for tropical plants. These are available in different sizes and can also add beauty to the growing spaces. It allows the creation of proper forest-like climatic conditions and thus provides ideal humidity to the growing plants.
These plants require a minute number of fertilizers because these are epiphytes. Usually, these plants quickly get nutrients from other trees, debris, wind, and air, but indoor growing plants are dependent on fertilization. So, growers must add fertilizers according to the needs of plants, growing stage, and soil type. The use of organic fertilizers is more recommended as it causes significant improvement in soil’s physical, chemical, and biological properties. Water-soluble fertilizers and foliar spraying is also excellent choice to get ideal results. Application of NPK fertilizer in the ratio of 9:3:6 helps to assure good growth and development.
Growing Anthurium Veitchii by Propagation
The propagation requirements of this plant are much similar to other aroid plants. The easiest way for propagating this plant is by using stem cuttings. Propagation from the seeds is complex because of the less availability of vigorous seeds.
- Select healthy growing and disease-free stems.
- Take the cuttings having at least 1-2 nodes.
- Air layering is also good to take the best newer growth and development. Identification of air roots with the leaves is better than induced air layering.
- Stem division is also a better way of propagation. This method is only suitable for plants having a cluster of healthy growing stems.
- Take cuttings by using good-quality knives, scissors, or pruning shears.
- Rub the alcohol on blades for disinfecting and place it on the flame. This flame treatment for a few seconds is crucial to kill pathogens and infection-causing organisms.
- Insert the cuttings in the cinnamon powder. It helps with healing and wound protection.
- Place the cuttings in the rooting hormone to boost the rooting development.
- Put the well-treated cutting in the growing media or sphagnum moss. Water it properly for rooting development.
- Root growth will be evident after 3-4 weeks.
- Allow the development of roots to a few inches before placing them in the final growing medium.
Propagation by Division
- Growers can quickly propagate this plant by division at the repotting time.
- Gently take a healthy growing root ball from the container.
- Removing a plant from one place and inserting it in another place cause significant shock and stress. So must perform the practices with great care to avoid significant problems.
- Growers can easily remove the ball with their hands. Using sharp but disinfected objects is also the best approach to take root ball.
- Plant the separated segment in a different pot and fill it with good quality and contaminant-free soil.
- The division offers faster results than stem-based propagation due to root ball formation on the fully matured plant.
Potting and Repotting
Anthurium veitchii grows slowly and rarely outgrows the containers in three years. It needs repotting for growth acceleration and development. It is also possible to let the plant stay in its current pot, negatively affecting its growth. This plant can grow bigger provided by enough space and the right growing conditions. The emergence of roots from the drainage holes indicates repotting requirements. Deep pots are a favourable approach to help the plants set their foundation. However, it is a must to insert more drainage holes to support efficient drainage. The use of pots made from clay and terra cotta material is also an excellent approach to better drainage.
Remove the plant from the present container and remove extra dirt. Cut all the improperly growing roots and remove the older, dying, and diseased parts. Untangle the growing roots and do a detailed analysis for the presence of mushy and black ends. Place the plant in a new container and fill it with good quality soil and potting mix. Stabilize the plant in upright conditions. Don’t allow the contact of leaves with the soil and growing media. Thoroughly water the soil and add organic fertilizers to support soil biodiversity and fertility.
These plants have slow-growing nature, and thus, there is no requirement for regular pruning. Growers must regularly inspect the health of growing plants. Removal of dead foliage and diseased parts is critically important to avoid further damage. Trimming the drooping stems gives good shape to the plant and enhances the beauty of growing spaces. Pruning is also helpful to minimize the energy losses of plants for dead and diseased leaves. Removal of infected and dying plants helps the plants to use energy for new leaves and blooms.
Direct skin contact with this plant can cause itching and some irritations. So, the use of gloves is greatly recommended to avoid discomfort. Must clean and sanitize the pruning tools with alcohol or other sanitizers. This practice helps to eliminate the chances of bacterial and fungal infections. The cuts on plants also cause wound formation and provide a significant pathway for bacterial and fungal infections.
Anthurium Veitchii Grow Tips and Guide
- Use good quality soil and grow media to ensure better growth.
- Maintain humidity levels between 60-80%.
- Avoid sudden drops and rises in the growing temperature.
- Maintain a neat and clean microclimate.
- Use organic fertilizers than synthetic chemicals.
- Introduce beneficial insects to the growing plants and gardens.
- Use a mixture of organic and inorganic grow media to get good results.
- Fertilize plants properly according to the soil fertility level and plant requirements.
- Ensure proper air circulation in the growing conditions.
Similar Plants and Varieties of Anthurium Veitchii
This plant produces heart-shaped and velvety leaves with perky looks. This plant is not readily available and is difficult to find in all the states of the USA.
This plant grows in a rosette shape dense pattern and produces rounded and ruffled leaves in the vertical direction.
It is also a hybrid plant and produces dark purple, velvety green leaves. The colour of leaves may look like black due to darker shades.
Anthurium Magnificum x Crystallinum
It is also a hybrid plant and produces bright white and velvety leaves with venation. Its new leaves are bright red, and their colour is changed to bright white with maturity.
Common Problems and How to Treat
Damaged Leaves
Leaf damage is a most common problem with the growing anthurium veitchii. Mainly this problem is caused due to contact of this plant with the other objects. Growers can easily observe this damage by the presence of deformations and cracks. Sometimes humidity also causes leaf damage, so growers must maintain optimally humid conditions. Less and high humidity hinders the usual emergence of leaves from the cataphyll. This process is similar to that of dry birth. Higher humidity acts as a lubricant and helps the proper emergence and growth of newer leaves.
Growers can easily avoid the problem by preventing plants’ contact with other objects and maintaining proper humid conditions. Too windy conditions and air movement also cause tears and perforation in the leaves. So, keep the plants in protected places to avoid any problems. Also, keep the plant away from heaters, ventilators, fans, and air conditioners.
Bacterial Blight
It causes water-soaked lesions and leaf yellowing on the margins that grow rapidly and make V-shaped lesions. It is caused by the bacterial entrance to the hydathodes pores, specifically along the margins of leaves. Bacteria can also enter the leaf tissues through the wounds caused by pruning, flower harvesting, and insect pest attack.
Growers can easily avoid this problem by adopting the following management measures.
- Reducing indoor temperature and humidity by enhancing ventilation and air circulation.
- Avoiding soil saturation.
- Using tissue cultured and clean plantlets.
- Reducing wounding probability and effective treatment of wounds.
- Regular and oriented use of disinfectants and sterilization practices.
- Immediate discarding the heavily infected plants.
Bacterial Wilt
The first symptom of bacterial wilt is chlorosis or leaf yellowing. It rapidly spreads in the whole vascular system of the plants and causes browning and bronzing of stems and leaves. Bacterial ooze or brown slime is also evident if cuts are made in the highly infected plant parts. Good sanitation practices are essentially helpful to reduce the chances of bacterial wilt. Phosphorus acid-containing fungicides are also effective for the treatment of infected plants. Bacterial wilt easily spread through the worker’s contact and the use of contaminated tools, water, and soil. The use of disease-free and sanitized tools is a great way to reduce the problem.
Rhizoctonia Root Rot
The most common reason for Rhizoctonia root rot is damping off. Tender and younger stems become water-soaked and girdled and cannot bear plant weight. The attack of Rhizoctonia is on the lower branches and plant roots. At the same time, it can also attack the upper plant parts and canopy under wet or saturated conditions. This problem is caused by the Rhizoctonia solani that can live in the soil for numerous years even without the host plants. The chances of this disease are enhanced due to the use of saturated grow media. It is possible to avoid this problem by sterilizing growing media and tools and controlling temperature and humidity.
Black Nose Disease
Black nose disease is a common problem for potted plants and cut flower production. It greatly reduces the appearance and economic value of the plants and flowers. It causes the appearance of brown to black and smaller flecks on the floral spadix. These spots rapidly become bigger and watery and encompass the spadix. It may also cause flower drop in severe conditions. The problem is caused by the fungal attack in the temperate and tropical climatic conditions and causes significant damage to the flowers, leaves, roots, and stems. The severity of this disease is more during the humid and warm regions. Disease chances are also more on the plant parts already damaged by bacterial blight, fertilizers, and pesticides.
Insect Pest Attack
Insect pests attack indoor and outdoor plants, but growers can easily maintain their populations through preventive and protective measures. Usually, anthurium plants have less attraction for the pests than the philodendron and monstera plants. The most common pest on this plant includes spider mites, scales, whiteflies, thrips, and mealybugs. Early detection of problems and integrated pest management practices help get better control.
These are soft-bodied, small, dull-white, and wingless insects producing powdery waxlike substances. These insects have sucking or piercing mouthparts and suck the cell sap from plants. They look like tiny cotton pieces and cause congregation on the leaves and stem branches. These bugs feed on a wide range of plants and commonly attack houseplants. The younger populations move around on all the plants until they find a good feeding hotspot. Mealybugs feed on the plants in colonies so growers can easily control their populations. Mealybug’s attack can weaken the plants’ immune system and survival capacity, leading to the leaf drop and foliage yellowing.
Moreover, these insects also secrete fungal growth, having a black surface (sooty mould). So, it dramatically reduces the plant’s beauty and attractiveness. Immediate isolation of the infected plants is fundamental to avoid further spread, and early detection of pests helps control their populations timely. Some organic pesticides are also available in the market to control the mealybugs. The use of heavy doses of synthetic chemicals is not recommended for house plants. Therefore, growers can easily avoid toxicity and pest population by using integrated pest management practices.
Scale Insects
These insects are similar to mealybugs and can attack a wide range of outdoor and indoor plants. The younger insects crawl on various plants to find suitable feeding sources. The adult females also lay their eggs on the plants protected by the hard-shell layer. They look like bumps, and growers can easily observe them on the undersides of leaves. Their mouthparts are of piercing nature, and these insects feed on plants by sucking the cell sap. Scales attack also causes leaf drop and foliage yellowing. These insects also produce honeydew and cause the formation of sooty mould. Controlling the scales population is a pretty challenging task. Isolation of the infected plants is a significant task to protect other growing plants. The introduction of natural insects is essential to minimize their populations.
Why my Anthurium veitchii plant is growing slowly?
This plant has a naturally slow-growing habit. Usually, it develops new leaves in three months. So, there is no need to worry about slow growth and development. Growers must maintain the right growing conditions and inputs to avoid biotic and abiotic stresses.
Why are the leaves of a smaller size?
The smaller leaf size of anthurium veitchii indicates less soil fertility and under fertilization, and this plant needs fertilization after every other week. The use of organic fertilizers, water-soluble fertilizers, and the proper fertilization schedule is essential to improving leaf size and plant vigour.
Is Anthurium veitchii toxic?
Yes, this plant is toxic, and it can cause skin irritation, mouth allergies, and stomach problems. So, growers must plant away from the reach of children and pets.
Can I use coffee grounds for Anthurium veitchii soil fertilization?
The use of coffee grounds and well-composted kitchen waste is ideal for providing macro and micronutrients to the growing Anthurium. Coffee grounds offer more nitrogen than peat moss. Moreover, its addition is also helpful in terms of mulching perspectives. So, it helps for the moderation of soil temperature and water.
Can this plant go dormant?
Dormancy is an inevitable event for plants. All plants undergo dormant conditions at some stage during their lifecycle, and it helps plants conserve energy and protect it from harsh environmental conditions. This plant goes dormant during the winter and stops growing until the following season.
Is Anthurium veitchii plant durable?
This plant has good durability and grows for many years. Provision of the right inputs, care, and management is crucial to improve its lifespan, health, and appearance.
Can I cut and store the Anthurium veitchii flowers?
This plant produces beautiful flowers, and growers can cut the flowers for aesthetic and decoration purposes. Keeping the flowers in the freshwater or soaked oasis helps to maintain their freshness for several days. Cutting the flowers with a healthy and long stem is essential to make easy arrangements and management measures. Flowers with short stems are also appropriate to be used as cut flowers. Usually, these flowers look best when clustered in the juice glass and floated in the bowels.
Always cut these flowers in the morning for the best results. Use sharp pruners and scissors to make the cuts. Plunge the foliage and flowers in water-filled buckets. Store the flowers in a cool and dry place for better results. Frequently change the water to avoid contamination and diseases. Also, wash containers and vases to get rid of bacterial and fungal infections.