There are quite a few things to consider when looking for the best chicken waterers. It can quickly get overwhelming when there are so many options to choose from. In this post, we’ll dive into the basics of selecting the best one for your flock. The overall goal is to help you save time, work, and money.

5 Best Chicken Waterers

Now that we’ve touched on all of the most important aspects of choosing a waterer, let’s look at the best ones on the market!

Harris Farms Plastic Poultry Drinker

Being the standard for most waterers, they are inexpensive and well made. In addition, they are easy to fill and easy to clean. This Harris model can be used both on the floor or hung thanks to the sturdy metal hanger. You can also use it inside the coop or outside the coop. If getting a solid, yet reliable waterer, is your top goal then this is the one for you.

Farm Innovators “All-Seasons” Heated Plastic Poultry Fountain

The top gun of this waterer is its ability to keep water from getting frozen. The waterer is thermostatically controlled and will prevent water freezing down to 0F (-17C). It is ideal for a flock of chickens and makes it easier to keep your chicken hydrated during the winter months. This poultry foundation can also be hung or kept on the ground.

RentACoop Pack of 4 – Automatic Chicken Water Cup Waterer Kit for Poultry

If having a refilling system on hand is your primary goal, this may be the ideal waterer for your flock. With this particular waterer, the reservoir refills after the chicken has taken a drink of water. With the reservoir being sealed, it helps keep the water contaminated free.

Manna Pro Double Wall Chicken Waterer

This fount is a heavy-duty standalone waterer that maintains a constant water level for chickens, turkeys, and other poultry. It has rolled edges for safety and seams that are constructed and tested for leaks. Most owners rave about the sloped top that helps prevent roosting. It can be used with a heater base during winter, although that part is sold separately.

Bell-Matic Poultry Waterer

The unique Bell-Matic Waterer is designed for use with all size poultry, from chickens to ostrich. Easy disconnect automatically shuts off water flow allowing trouble-free cleaning and maintenance. It has far fewer components than any other drinker of its type. The high level of sensitivity allows for a very accurate control of water level. A large ballast increases stability and eliminates spillage. Due to the high quality of materials, it ensures the longevity and durability of the unit. The red coloring attracts birds so they will drink more. This bird waterer is resistant to shocks, wear, and chemical aggression due to sanitizing agents.

Top Things to Consider When Choosing a Chicken Waterer

First and foremost, you will always want to consider the number of birds you have. Nothing is worse than not having enough waterers and risking putting your chickens through dehydration. Dehydration can also lead to other issues such as poor egg-laying or worse, stopping egg production altogether. The rule of thumb is to have a waterer for every 8-10 birds.

You’ll also want to consider where you plan to place your chicken waterers. Similar to humans, chicken waterers are best placed in shaded and protected areas. This will keep them from getting dirty from sediment and debris, as well as cool and refreshing. While some of the most ideal places are where the chickens hang out, the larger your yard, the more widespread you’ll want to place them.

Last but not least, it’s important to understand the different materials chicken waterers are made in. Plastic is typically the most go-to choice; however, those can freeze and crack in cooler temperatures. Sunlight can also bleach the color. Metal waterers, on the other hand, can withstand all weather types; however, you will not be able to use an apple cider vinegar supplement in them. They also rust over time, but it takes years before that will happen.

The 4 Types of Chicken Waterers

Once you’ve thought about the tips mentioned above, it will become a little easier to choose the best chicken waterers for your birds. But before making a concrete decision, make sure you are familiar with the various types. The main four are explained below.

Hanging Chicken Waterers

Hanging waterers are the most popular, especially when it comes to weather, cost, and the ability to easily clean. With this type of waterer, you can see when the water level is getting low and needs to be refilled. They are also considered the most budget-friendly.

Gravity Feeders

There are many types of gravity feeders available and they can run a variety of prices. The most important thing to note about this type of feeder is you’ll need a large holding tank and it will have to be placed higher than where the chickens will be getting their water. 

Automatic Chicken Waterer

The automatic waterer ensures that your chickens will never run out of water, simply because it refills on demand. Although there are many types available, they all need to be connected to a main water source in order to work properly.

Nipple Feeders

If you’re looking for the least possible chance of your chicken’s water becoming contaminated, the design behind this waterer is geared toward just that. The chicken has to physically push against the nipple in order for water to be released. Even then, it is only disbursed in controlled amounts.


Before you choose the best chicken waterer for your birds, use the tips and suggestions in the post to help guide you to making the perfect selection. Choosing the best waterer doesn’t have to be overwhelming or cost you an arm and leg. Also, if you find that something doesn’t work, check if you can get your money back and/or make an exchange to try something else. What you purchase doesn’t have to be set in stone!



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